A major aspect of the cia s detention and interrogation operations has been purposefully hidden from view, primarily due to secrecy guidelines that make it illegal for anyone to read into the program to reveal even its very existence. Cia mkultra mind control collection the black vault. In response to this memorandum of notification, the cia set up an extraordinary. Top takeaways from the cia torture report cnnpolitics. Cia medical staff gave specifications on how to torture post911 detainees. Full text of senate report on cia torture 2014 pdf download see other formats. Much new information about detention and interrogation in the cia. The senate intelligence committee spent five years reading and analyzing more than 6. Create a digital hash or checksum of the documents you download. An exhaustive report by the senate intelligence committee found the cia tortured suspected terrorists in a brutal and mismanaged program. Eyes only details of redacted, likely 1 december 2002 interrogation sessions with abd alrahim husayn muhammad abdu nashir, circa december 1, 2002. Dec 07, 2019 as a march 28, 2002, cia document acknowledged, the proposal to render abu zubaydah to country had not yet been broached with that countrys officials. However, with limited staff and resources, we simply cannot respond to all who write to us. Mdr for full text of july 1963 kubark counterintelligence.
Isnt it clear that the cia engaged in torture as defined in the. If azs presence does become known, not clear what the impact would be. Subscribe to updates about open societys work around the world. Fgi promotes free government information through collaboration, education, advocacy and research. Torture orders from cia alec station to gina haspel at thailand black site cia, alec station, subject. The senate report on cia torture frequently asked questions what is the report. Cia torture report free ebook download as pdf file. Torture report describes cia interrogation program time. The office of public affairs opa is the single point of contact for all inquiries about the central intelligence agency cia. The study found that american torture was not confined to a handful of.
The requested documents will be made available to the general. The black vault filed a foia request for all documents pertaining to mkultra and related projects back in the late 1990s. The report says the agency routinely misled the white house and congress about the information it obtained from the detention and interrogation of terrorism suspects. Senate intelligence committee report on cia torture wikipedia. The report has taken nearly five years to produce and was. This report tells a story of which no american is proud, the. This document authorized gina haspel, as chief of base at a cia black site in thailand, to torture the suspected terrorist alnashiri, who was in the process of rendition to that site. What newly released cia documents reveal about torture in. The official senate cia torture report free government information. Cia secret detention and extraordinary rendition acknowledgments this report was written by amrit singh, senior legal officer for the open society justice initiatives national security and counterterrorism program, and edited by david berry.
In december 2014, the ssci sent the full torture report to several executive branch agencies. Senate select committee on intelligence released its study of the cia s detention and interrogation program foreword, findings, and conclusions, and executive summary. The official senate cia torture report stanford libraries. The most gruesome moments in the cia torture report wicked the cia s rendition, interrogation, and detention programs were even more nightmarish than you could imagine. Recently declassified documents make clear that there was not one, but two cia torture programs. Cia mistakenly destroys copy of 6,700page us torture report. It received valuable comments from betsy apple, james. Senate intelligence committee report on cia torture. Read the senate intelligence committees damning findings. Mdr for full text of july 1963 kubark counterintelligence interrogation manual. We read every letter, fax, or email we receive, and we will convey your comments to cia officials outside opa as appropriate. Usaf 2025 national research c ouncil armv after next aconi joint futures ssg the cno australian doi darpa, sbccom cia, stic, ida apl, seals. Declassified 7312018, c06665557, as a result of foia litigation, national security archive v.
Cia torture report this article is more than 3 years old. Internal cia documents indicate that inadequate record keeping made it. Penyiksaan yang dilakukan cia selama proses investigasi dalam pemerintahan bush cia merupakan sebuah lembaga hukum yang memiliki tugas utama sebaga penegak hukum. The report notes that cia documents indicate chief of interrogations redacted also ordered the rectal rehydration of ksm without a determination of medical need, a procedure that the chief of interrogations would later characterize as. Making highvalue targeting operations an effective counterinsurgency toolocument pdf. Declassified 6262018, c06665565, as a result of foia litigation, national security archive v. For years i waited, and was never contacted back by the cia. Pdf cia torture unredacted presents the findings from a fouryear joint investigation by the. The cia had forcefed some prisoners orally andor anally in order to establish total control over the detainee. Techniques used by the cia included threatening to sexually assault a. Download it here as a pdf and curl up in front of a good fire with some wine. Jun 16, 2016 the document trove also contains a heavily redacted version of a report from the cias office of medical services oms in which every page is blanked out except for one paragraph dealing with. Cia releases declassified documents on interrogations.
Topics cia, torture, crime, terror, war on terror, document, pdf, download, free download collection opensource language english. Dec 09, 2014 a muchanticipated report investigating torture methods carried out by the cia during the bush administration was released on tuesday. Heres a link to the document, titled best practices in counterinsurgency. The torture memos described the ten techniques that were designed and. Gina haspels day one report to cia on the torture of nashiri cia cable 11246, subject. The cia torture report belongs to the public al jazeera america. Thailand black site report to cia alec station on catlike torture december 1, 2002 cia cable 159, subject. But that would suggest that 6 million cia documents are fraudulent.
The full torture report is the most comprehensive account of the torture program to date. In the moments before the senates report into torture. Senate torture report foia american civil liberties union. Cia releases declassified documents on interrogations politico. The official senate cia torture report free government. Apr 20, 2020 redacted december 2014 agency accountability board report pdf 12.
The socalled torture report released by the senate this week contains only a fraction of the findings on how the cia aimed to gather intelligence from detainees through interrogation. Here you find a transcript of the cia file titled a study of assassination. Senate report on cia torture open society foundations. The report covers the period during which these persons were held in the detention program run by the central intelligence agency.
May 17, 2016 the cia inspector generals office has said it mistakenly destroyed its only copy of a comprehensive senate torture report, despite lawyers for the justice department assuring a federal. But now agency politics may bury all the good and necessary work that the senate intelligence committee did to present a history of our nations use of torture, its efficacy and its consequences. Declassified documents now reveal there were two cia. Jun 15, 2016 the 2007 cia inspector generals report, which was part of tuesdays document release, states that the cia took khalid almasri and kept him detained for over two months even after the agency had. Download report on detainee treatment download report. Dec 09, 2014 the cias secret programme of abductions and brutal interrogations of terrorism suspects was ineffective and saw dozens of people subjected to torture without purpose, a damning report has. This study is by no means confined to a resume and interpretation o. Read related materials at the national security archive. The cia documents, which informed the senate torture. Eyes only application of enhanced measures to abd alrahim alnashiri, circa november 11, 2002. Cia torture report incomplete as key documents remain withheld.
This report is based on information from many of those who were tortured under the program, including zayn alabidin muhammad husayn abu zubaydah, as well as many cia cables, the senate select committee on intelligence report, and numerous other government documents. Proses penegakan hukum yang dilakukan oleh cia sematamata untuk menjaga agar tidak terjadi kejahatan atau kriminalisasi di seluruh wilayah amerika. Dec 15, 2014 home post the official senate cia torture report our mission free government information fgi is a place for initiating dialogue and building consensus among the various players libraries, government agencies, nonprofit organizations, researchers, journalists, etc. Techniques used by the cia included threatening to sexually assault a detainees. Here is the cia torture report the report was released today by the senate intelligence committee. Intel committee releases report on cia detention, interrogation program. Read the latest from our staff, grantees, and partners about how were working around the world to build vibrant and inclusive democracies whose governments are accountable. Dec 09, 2014 the report says the agency routinely misled the white house and congress about the information it obtained from the detention and interrogation of terrorism suspects. How america tortures by mark denbeaux, stephanie moreno. Source document contributed to documentcloud by eyder peralta npr. The bush administration did so by designating torture as legal, thus using a formal system of power that is publicly. Us senate report on cia detention interrogation program. The committee makes the following findings and conclusions. Dec 31st, 1953 19page typewritten file was part of a collection of cia documents pertaining to operations pbfortune and pbsuccess and was declassified under the freedom of information act on may 15, 1997.
White house accidentally leaks post911 cia torture. The committee study of the central intelligence agency s detention and interrogation program is a report compiled by the bipartisan united states senate select committee on intelligence ssci about the central intelligence agency cia s detention and interrogation program and its use of various forms of enhanced interrogation techniques in u. The new information is consistent with the conclusion of the senate committees torture report that the c. The report cites cia documents showing cia officers at the secret detention sites repeatedly protested the torture program one interrogator called the program a train wreak sic and wrote i intend to get the hell off the train before it happens. Please find enclosed a report on the findings and recommendations of the international committee of the red cross following its visits to fourteen high value detainees transferred to guantanamo in september 2006. The senate report on cia torture frequently asked questions. Although haspels name or cover name along with the cable date and time, cable number, and more are all redacted by cia, other published sources fill in many. Eyes only details of redacted, probably 15 november 2002 debriefing of abd alrahim alnashiri, circa november 15, 2002. Dec 09, 2014 here is the cia torture report the report was released today by the senate intelligence committee. Thailand black site report to cia on two torture sessions with nashiri cia cable 152, subject. In one of the key findings contained in the cia report, agency analysts warn of the negative consequences of assassinating socalled high level targets hlt.
The records posted online tuesday also include a report on an internal investigation into the death of a detainee at a cia run interrogation site called the salt pit in afghanistan in november. White house accidentally leaks post911 cia torture report findings 31 jul, 2014 03. The report is 525 pages, heavily redacted, and includes graphic details about the torture techniques used by the cia. The senates torture report was an attempt to right his grievous wrong and preserve the lessons from the sordid program for posterity. Field manual intelligence interrogation 38 a cia directorate of operations handbook from.
Unlocked the locational data from the thousands of cia. My speculation is that the different pdf files that you can find on the web. This unsigned and undated estimated publication date. This information as well as decisive new events require that this report on torture, the first international survey of its kind, be brought up to date. Download entire report click on the chapter name to download pdf. Full text of senate report on cia torture 2014 pdf. Dec 12, 2016 the full senate torture report, which documented brutality by the cia against at least 119 detained terrorism suspects, will be held out of public view at obamas presidential library. Dec 12, 2014 as the report is an official, classified government publication which means were never going to lay eyes on it you can download the torture report summary right now and read at your. The most gruesome moments in the cia torture report. The report says one country paid by the cia torture program was told that the black site was serving a. Cia secret detention and extraordinary rendition download the 216page report. Source document contributed to documentcloud by wilson andrews the new york times. The new information is consistent with the conclusion of the senate committees torture report. Senate report details abuse of detainees as it happened.
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